Parenting is an art. Whether you have children or not we all parent. We are all the guardians of our own spirit which needs to be nurtured and brought out to play, but this is its own topic. For now, I want to address the parenting of our flesh and blood.
Remember that life is full of mirrors. Karma is an unavoidable energetic truth that reflects deep aspects of ourselves through all of our relationships. A child lives and grows with us and our home becomes as Barbara Hand Clow refers to it an “alchemical kitchen” for our greatest transformations.
Our children teach us much about ourselves and this is even more evident as the years go on. When a baby is born there is so much hope and innocence in their bodies, and as they grow so does the family unit. It is an intense journey and it is important to be aware of how we steward their lives and our own.
The Human Design System was created for this journey. It allows us to see our children’s gifts and challenges. This helps parents minimize external conditioning and comparisons to others or their own lessons and limitations. When you understand your child’s Human Design chart, you have an accurate manual helping you nurture, encourage and raise your children well.